Embody the Melanin

During the second semester of my graduate program, each student is asked to create an interactive media capstone project about an issue they are passionate about. I created a social media campaign called “Embody the Melanin” which talks about the experience of Black female athletes attending predominantly white institutions. I told the stories of four Black female athletes through interviews, photos, sports highlights, and advice on how they are able to cope with their mental health by posting on Instagram. I hope to shed light on this important issue and help Black female athletes’ voices be heard and help with creating a positive mental health space. The link to my capstone website is linked in the heading and below.

Embody The Melanin on Instagram


This is Lauryn Clarke

Lauryn is one of my four athletes highlighted throughout my campaign. She attends Elon University and plays softball and is currently junior studying communications.

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Brand Guideline

This is a brand guideline for my campaign that states the logo, the typography used, and how and the brand colors. I created this in order for myself to keep my brand consistent throughout the entire process.

Highlight Video

This is a sports highlight video that I have created to showcase Lauryn’s softball skills. I am created these short bite-sized videos to share on social media for my audience to view and interact with. This was created using Adobe Premiere Pro.



